Study Break: 日本の音楽 / Japanese Music Part2!

Live concert from Tokyo with a wonderful Tsugaru Shamisen musician,
Hiroshi Yamaguchi!

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In this event, you can enjoy live Tsugaru Shamisen music from Tokyo as well as talk with the performer who currently live in Japan!

津軽三味線奏者である父 山口孝次の影響を受け、幼少期より 唄・太鼓・三味線を習う
津軽三味線を青森県黒石市にて千葉勝弘氏に、南部三味線を奥南部民謡 夏坂菊男氏に師事
その後、長唄三味線を東音 菊岡裕晃氏に師事

津軽三味線奏者として、国内のみならず外務省他からの依頼により アジア・オセアニア・北米・ヨーロッパ・アフリカ等で公演。企業・各種団体などでの演奏、テレビ・ラジオへの出演、またCD制作や多数のレコーディングにも参加。学生のための演奏授業やワークショップのほか、幅広い年代への教授、後進の育成にも力を注ぐ。邦楽の分野にとどまらず、様々なジャンルのアーティストとの共演も多く、豊かな音の響きやリズムをクリエイティブに表現している。ソロコンサートも各地で開催し、楽しい語り口と共に津軽三味線本来の音色を力強く、繊細に伝えている。多様な文化や価値観の違いに柔軟に対応しながら自分らしい演奏をする一方で、津軽の情景と匂いが感じられる古典的な演奏を心掛けている。また多くの師匠から受け継いだ技術や伝統と、現代社会における津軽三味線とを魅力的に結びつけ、伝えていきたいと日々探求し研鑽を積んでいる。

1991年 ニューヨーク リンカーンセンターでの「日本祭」に父 山口孝次と出演
1992年 「黒石よされ祭り」組踊り大会の伴奏にて最優秀賞受賞
1993年 日本大学総長より奨励賞を受賞、NHK邦楽オーディションに合格
2006年 成田空港第1ターミナルオープニングセレモニーに出演
2008年 中国河南省における「第10回アジア芸術祭」に出演
2014年 日本スペイン国交400周年記念 スペインツアー、
2016年 日本シンガポール外交関係樹立50周年記念 シンガポールツアーに出演
2018年 日本南アフリカ外交関係樹立100周年記念 南アフリカツアーに出演

Hiroshi Yamaguchi
At the age of four he made his first debut in front of an audience and at the age of ten he performed as an all-out Tsugaru Shamisen performer. He studied Tsugaru Shamisen under the tutelage of Mr. Katsuhiro Chiba in Kuroishi City, Aomori prefecture, the place Tsugaru shamisen was originally developed. He also learned Nanbu Shamisen under Mr. Kikuo Natsuzaka of Oku-Nanbu Minyo. He learned Nagauta Shamisen from Mr. Hiroaki Kikuoka of Touon as well. He graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, with a graduate degree in Traditional Japanese Music.

His performances are not only Japanese music such as Nagauta, Kabuki and Japanese Dance performances, but he also collaborates with various art forms beyond Japanese music. He enjoys such opportunities, with his creativity expressed through the rich sounds and rhythms of Tsugaru shamisen.

While he collaborates flexibly with various cultures and different values in his unique style, he aims at conveying the image of the Tsugaru landscape and its fragrance in a classical style of performance. He also tries to integrate the modern-day performing techniques into the historically-inherited techniques and skills he learned from his teachers.

As a Tsugaru Shamisen artist, he has been performing not only in Japan but also in Asia, Oceania, Africa, North America and Europe in response to requests by Japanese Foreign Ministry and others. He entertains the audience with his witty talk and especially with the signature sound of the vibrant and sometimes delicate tone of Tsugaru Shamisen. He has also performed for various companies and institutions, TV and Radio programs, and participated in many CD productions and recordings.

His ensemble, “Shake Cha-z,” consists of Tsugaru Shamisen, Japanese Flute and Drums and participates in various tours both in and out of Japan.

He conducts master classes and workshops for students, teaches shamisen to people of various age groups, and makes efforts to foster younger musicians following the same path as his own.

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